About the PTA
St. Michael’s East Wickham Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The St. Michael’s PTA is a long-standing partnership between our dedicated teachers, staff and parents. We work together to generate funds that are used to further enrich our children's school experiences by making their time at St. Michael’s a happy and truly unforgettable time in their lives.
Our dedicated parent, carer and staff volunteers work closely with the school to create and organise a range of events and activities that are designed to appeal to both children and parents alike.
The PTA hosts around 10 events a year, such as:
- Children's Discos
- Adult Bingo/Quiz Nights
- School Fairs
- Grandparent Afternoon Teas
- Inflatable Days
- Gift Rooms
The funds generated from these activities are spent on the children in a number of different ways including:
- School trips
- School workshops
- Learning resources
- Purchasing new school equipment
- Travelling theatre companies
Want to stay informed?
The PTA holds a meeting every half term to plan future events, reflect on previous events and discuss new funding options/ items to support the school. The meetings provide the opportunity for members to be part of the decision-making process and have their ideas heard.
The meetings are open to all parents, family members and school staff.
We really rely on your support and always welcome new members so come along to our next meeting!
Could YOU Volunteer?
Your involvement REALLY makes a difference.
If you feel you would like to join our team, or want further information about our activities, please have a chat to any of our members listed below, the school office or contact us via email at: stmichaelseastwickham@outlook.com
Committee members for 2023-2024
Chairperson: Laura Hickson
Vice Chairperson: Kirstie Dawton
Secretary: Lorraine Lamb
Social Secretary: Kirstie Dawton
Treasurer: Neena Dwyer
Class Reps for 2023-2024
Each class has a PTA class representative who will send messages and reminders to the class via the class WhatsApp group. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments. please feel free to speak to your PTA class rep or one of the committee members.
Nursery: Kirsty (Iris' Mum)
Class R: Eileen (William's Mum)
Class 1: Kirsty (Isla's Mum)
Class 2: Laura (Emily's Mum)
Class 3: Eileen (Michael's Mum)
Class 4: Danny (Marley’s Uncle)
Class 5: Sammi (Lola's Mum)
Class 6: Sophie (Lyla-Grace's Mum)