Online Safety
Everyone at St. Michael's is committed to ensure that all pupils and staff use computers and related technology safely and responsibly.
Please find below documents and links to websites that inform and support online safety at home and at school.
- Bringing up a child in the 21st century.pptx
- CEOP Online Safety Young Persons Leaflet
- Child safety on TikTok parent factsheet
- Cyber flashing parent factsheet February 2019
- E Safety tips for Parents of Primary School Children
- Family Online Safety Plan
- Internet Matters leaflet
- Online safety advice for parents and carers
- Smartphone online safety tips
- Supporting Young People Online
- YouTube parent factsheet
Following advice from CEOP (e-safety department at the National Crime Agency), here are some useful links to websites that also offer guidance on dealing with e-safety at home.
Live streaming information
CEOP's parents' guides to using social media:
Play Like Share films for 8-10 year olds:
Often on the weekly newsletter there is advice from National Online Safety, who produce parent guides in their #WakeUpWednesday campaign, covering many areas of the internet. Click on the link below and you will be taken to their website which has some really useful information and access to the parent platform guides that are mentioned: